Monday, September 3, 2007

New life

This is my new website for my consult business,


while consulting is not new to me, it is new to me as a full time job. While I look forward to this new and exciting time in my career in the coffee industry, it is a good time to look back on the last few years. So here is a few pictures of the last year or so, and all the cool things I've got to do. This is not in any particular order.

This is Herb from Novo Coffee, I have had the joy of meeting this fine gentleman, and seeing his family's company evolve. Be on the lookout for Novo and Herb, they will be something to see.

March '07 Third Thursday Barista Jam Winners

April '07 Third Thursday Barista Jam, this is Michael Strumpf, the Quality Control man for Allegro Coffee, he really knows his coffee, a real nice guy. This was an awesome barista jam, we had tons of people attend, tons of great coffee, and very interesting coffee education.

Our drive out to Denver, Colorado. This drive was not so awesome, with continuous whiteouts for a whole day of driving, don't drive over the rockies in January, trust me.

NWRBC '07 Barista Guild Party, I am the only dude in a hat, talking to my wife, while Jon is pulling shots, and Philip is messing with a real cool Versalab grinder, good times.

NWRBC '06, getting my sweat and nerves on. Suggestion to all competitors, practice, for real.

Lava Java, I got the privilege of 'standing in' for Phuong while she was in Guatemala for a couple of weeks. This crew is awesome, and they one of the best behaved and well trained crew's I have ever seen. Phuong is okay too.

River Maiden, a great example for anyone opening a cafe, they knew almost nothing about coffee when they started, now they have two store's, many offers to open more. They have excellent business sense and exercise amazing willpower.

The Albina Press is a real 'working baristas' type of bar, they are one of the few cafes I've been to where the Barista really 'owns' the bar. I really enjoy their people, and their capp's.

Now that I live in the Baltimore/DC area, I have had to make some place my new 'haunt', and this is probably it. Jay does it well, and he does it with class (and as much controversy as he can muster).

That's not everything, but those are some of the highlights, my life in the world of coffee has been good to me so far. Not everything was good, but most of it was great, and hopefully it will continue to be good to me.

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